Tag Archives: han solo

Benheck.com Podcast Episode 113


Solo: A Star Wars Story. We’ve seen it, time to discuss! We also talk Avengers: Infinity War, the God of War ending, and online movie spoilers.

Speaking of which, podcast contains MAJOR spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story, God of War and Avengers Infinity War. You have been WARned! (Be prepared!)


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Benheck.com Podcast Episode 109


This month’s fun topics include:

  • Microsoft making a MEGA-ACQUISITION? Possibly buying EA or Valve? We discuss!
  • What each of us would do with a billion dollars (AKA Why does Gabe Newell even need to sell?)
  • Why do gamers hate EA so much? Lootboxes? Let’s compare them to state lotteries!
  • What sort of revenue-driving DLC is appropriate? What sort of things have we bought before?
  • Anthem – EA”s answer to . But will anyone care by time it’s released?
  • Han Solo movie coming! Will it be any good?
  • Critical response to movies vs audience.
  • And finally, we discuss Lilo & Stitch for some reason.

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Benheck.com Podcast Episode 104


We’re back after a two month hiatus! It was a busy summer. This month’s topics include:

  • Star Wars Burnout  – Does releasing a movie every year make it no longer special?
  • What is going on over at Warner Bros. with the DC movie universe? Also Ben has finally seen Suicide Squad, the movie in which nothing happens – we discuss!
  • Jones finally watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
  • Castlevania the Very Short Netflix Series!
  • What are the Best TV Shows Ever?
  • Ben plays his first Call of Duty game in 8 years – Infinite Warfare! Jones explains Overwatch to Ben.
  • Discussing the imbalance of Battlefield 1.
  • Box office inflation, and why TV/streaming is beating theaters. Why the death of arcades should serve as a warning.


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