videoQ(which folder, clip0, clip1, attributes, progressBar, priority)

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Works exactly like the normal video command, except it schedules this video to begin playing as soon as the current one ends.

A typical usage might be:

playSFX(0, 'P', '9', 'X' + random(3), 255); //Win dialog!

video('P', '9', 'Z', noExitFlush, 0, 255); //Win video!

numbers(0, numberFlash | 1, 255, 11, modeTotal); //Set graphic #0 to show how many points we got in this mode

videoQ('P', '9', 'V', noEntryFlush | B00000011, 0, 255); //Show mode total along with the graphic of the points.

Your kernel can send this all in one shot, and then the A/V processor will handle the timing from there.