All posts by benheck


Last week I mentioned something I was working on called ‘Secret Project X’. Now, it is finished:

As you can see, it is another Atari 2600 VCSp. It’s not quite done, another day or two… still needs a few things. This is part of a process I am working on to simplify construction so I can build these things in a short amount of time. Most of the changes are internal, and they help a lot. I came across a new type of material called “Densitec” which is a type of plastic. Naturally, the first thing I thought of was Ataris, so I did some tests. The Densitec can be routed very quickly, almost twice as fast as I was able to rout the case for the original VCSp, and it is much stronger. Also you can see it has a nice ‘texture’ to it, like an Atari. The sample material I had to work with was BLUE, hence the color of this case. I can order this material in BLACK, but since it’s kinda spendy (have to order a certain amount at a time) I want to see how things go first.

By ‘how things go’ I mean the sale of this unit. That’s correct, this unit is FOR SALE. It was built with one thing in mind – to be sold to some lucky Atari enthusiast. It will probably go on eBay in a few weeks. And then, if I find interest to be strong enough, I will order additional material and start building even MORE of them. And then they will be colored black, don’t worry!

This is Phase 1 of a plan that I have for bringing these portables to the masses. I welcome any suggestions or questions you might have, so please email them here.

Secret Project X

Now that I have finished my movie, I can get back to the important stuff: ATARI! Some recent developments have led me in a certain direction… For the past week I have been working on SECRET PROJECT X! Not only to give me a break from the Vagabond, but for the betterment of Atari-dom!
I am about 60% through SECRET PROJECT X, and I should know by January 19th-ish if it’s going to work. If it does, it will answer the most frequently asked question I’ve had…

Last update of 2000

The last update of the millennium, millennium, millennium!!!!!! It’s been interesting these past months, seeing the level of support for an Atari 2600 portable. For some odd reason I thought I was the only one left who cared about Atari! As we move into a new  millennium millennium millennium , I hope I can bring the Atari-loving community more treats… The Vagabond, perhaps an extra Atari unit I could sell on eBay, and future 3rd generation units. I think there’s a market for this stuff and I’m going to do my best to pursue it… People watch old movies. Why wouldn’t they want to play old videogames? At any rate, thank you all, and here’s to the future! (glug glug!)

First news item of site

Well, we’re finally here! I’ve been working on this new site practically since the old one opened back in late September, and I hope it serves the Atari-loving public well. Here’s a run-down of what you will find and what I’ve been up to:

I am still working on my next Atari unit, the Vagabond, and I have a rather detailed “Story so far”. I write about a page a week regarding the Vagabond’s progress, so there is quite a bit of info there already for you to peruse, and much more will be coming! I can’t say exactly when it will be done (since I keep adding things and revising them) but probably January or February.

The “2600 VCSp” is the story of the original VCSp that I built. It’s pretty much the same as it was on the old site, a few changes, some new pictures… OH! And I spelled “Potentiometer” correctly this time. I received a good number of emails informing me of that mistake, but now I am atoned!

The new “How To” section has an item-by-item table of contents of how to do things to your Atari, such as get video off the board without those stupid RF switches, run it off batteries, wire around things, and the like. There is one section I am still working on, and that is how to chop an Atari 2600 Junior board down to as small as I have mine (for the Vagabond). That’s going to take a while for me to document, so I’ll have to log it as a Coming Attraction. Check out the Vagabond story for pictures of how small the board can get!

Oh, yes. I have created a new “Info Hub” section. It’s got various stuff in it, but most importantly, it’s got explanations, pictures and info on the machines I used to build the VCSp. A lot of you had questions on how I made the case for the Atari so I figured it would be a good topic.

There is a new “FAQ” section which will answer more broad topics, such burning questions as to whether or not my Ataris are for sale, what other systems I might want to work on next, and the like.

The “Downloads” section has a video file of the VCSp in action, a video regarding the components in the Vagabond, a neat Atari 2600-themed Win Amp skin and other things that will be added as time goes by.

So, have a look around and enjoy the new site!