Category Archives: Articles

Happy New Year!

Well, another year! As of now I’ve been doing this portable stuff for 5 years! I recall this because it was New Year’s 1999 when I first had the notion of making a portable Atari.

So, in sort-of honor of this 5-year portable-building anniversary my latest, greatest and probably BEST Atari 2600 portable should be done later this week! It contains all the features of the long-lost Vagabond 2000 project, which was the portable I intended to be the “sequel” to my original Atari portable. I kept running into snags and went into the Revisions 2-5 instead.

But now it’s crawled out from under the dust, gotten a completely new (yet old) case design and is almost done… Prepare yourself!

Latest news…

Hello there portable fans! Just wanted to drop by and post an update on the status of things…

I’m currently editing my book, going over and making changes so it’s ready to go. This will take me most of October (which is why updates here will be a bit light during this time) but I am going to cut some parts for a few more CNC Playstation portables and some SNES’s as seen on the Project 42 page. A lot of people are interested in these so I thought making a few extra might not be a bad idea.

That new small PS2 has come out, though I guess only a few are being shipped to every store. Fear not, I shall get my hands on one ASAP and tear it apart. (My intentions should be apparent) Hopefully in November I can find the time to maybe build a portable from a system I’ve never used before, and maybe even finish the technical stuff on my Port Washington movie.

It may be a few weeks before my next update but I hope to have more cool news soon!

This site now filled with 80% more gooey goodness!

Welcome to the even more filled up! I’ve completed the Videogames section, you can now browse through all the portable systems just like the old days! The Downloads section is also fairly functional, but if you come across something that goes clunk, let me know!

Also be sure to check out the Forums (located under the Videogames menu) for all sorts of fun, including being able to vote on if Ramen noodles could take Macaroni & Cheese in a fight!

More portables to come! Site Semi-Redesign and Content Filling!

I’ve been slowly working at getting this site up and going and I was trying for a fresh, new & different look from my old site. That’s all well and good, but along the way I changed my navigation system. It wasn’t really working the way I had hoped and dreamed…

I then thought to myself, “What was  wrong with the frame-menu navigation of the Atari 2600 Portables Site…?” Having reflected on that, I set forth to fix up this site so it would have the same easy-to-navigate structure!

This site is still under construction, but you can scroll around using the Navigator thingy to the left and check some stuff out. Here’s what works as of 5-17-04:

Videogame Forums, Downloads (all the videos at least) and Chat. For Movies you can check out the Port Washington & Lizard of Death pages.

So see what you can see, and if you end up in 404 land, just click BACK and bear with me…

If you need a (working) fix of portable videogaming action, check out my fully functional site at

Thanks for your continued patience!

MGDp Built!

For centuries, man has asked the undying question: “Can a computer be built inside an 18-pack of MGD?” Now, in this brave year 2004, I, Ben Heckendorn of the Atari 2600 Portables Site, have risen to the call!

 This is a strange turn for me, to be sure. But I needed to build a cheap-as-possible portable computer, and this was the natural answer. For the heart-pounding story, click here!