Portable Wii Laptop, Podcast Episode 11 and a “Fun Video”

Lots of crap for you all today, starting with the Wii laptop!

Don't forget your wrist strap

I’m hoping people have forgotten my “Request for a Wii” back in November so this comes as a surprise but if not oh well. For more photos and a video of this sucker in action check out Engadget (a site I write for) using this link below:

Engadget Wii Laptop Article

Quick specs, this unit has a built-in close-range sensor bar, stereo sound, Gamecube port, 16:9 widescreen LCD, A/V jacks, port for external stock sensor bar, built-in power supply and even a compartment for the cord. It measures 8.6″ wide, 7.7″ long and 2″ total thickness.

I am also writing a 3-part “Making Of” to cover the process of building this thing. It will be the most detailed web-based “making of” for one of my projects yet and will appear episodically on Engadget starting this Tuesday, AKA January 23rd. Hope you find it insightful.

The Wii Laptop is one of my more “mechanical” looking designs.

Next up is our latest podcast, episode 11. Quite the doozy, we have a guest on from the Benheck.com forums, recap gaming news, talk about our HD-DVD and Blu-Ray first impressions and of course, discuss what we would do during a zombie apocalypse. We also talk about what game we thought kicked the most butt in 2006.

Visit the Benheckpodcast.com web site to download this and other episodes! (On average each episode sucks up about an hour of your life) You can also check out this page to see some companion photos for Episode 11 if you’re listening to the audio-only version.

Finally, Jones and I put together a video for some reason. I don’t really know what to say about it, I guess it speaks for itself. It’s on the front of the podcast or you can download a higher resolution copy below.

Article Links:

Video – “Wand of Confusion” 640×480, MP4, about 7.5 megs

Benheckpodcast.com Site

Engadget Wii Laptop Article

11 thoughts on “Portable Wii Laptop, Podcast Episode 11 and a “Fun Video””

  1. FIRST POST! lol but seroiusly the lap top is so amazing! Good work Ben, not even the next video game generation can out smart you, maybe a little ;p

  2. Dude, your skills are just simply amazing.

    i mean, holy crap thats pro. pro-er than pro.

    i wish u could make me all the portable consoles. if only i was rich enough….

    well, good job. congrats. another awesome product?, well good job anyways.

  3. That is literly the coolest thing i’ve ever seen in my life. you put so much stuff in it. i was wondering if the componint cables on the outside are to go in or out?

  4. hey great work love it i am thinking of mking my wii a laptop please check your email at gmail.com i have sent you a uestion reply asap but anyays great job with the wii laptop and xbox 36 laptop

  5. Man this is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. Are you selling these!!!! If you are than send me an email with how much it costs. if you cant than try selling to the Wii company and you could make millions.

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